Uart-WIFI Module Base For HLK-RM04

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RS232 Interface Dual Serial Ports LAN WAN Uart-WIFI Module Base For HLK-RM04 WiFi Development Board
. This module is base of HLK-RM04
2. Dual serial port: one serial port to turn WIFI module, one serial port to turn Ethernet module, Ethernet switch WIFI multi-function WIFI module, a serial port server module,
make it easy for your serial port device connected to the Internet, transparent two-way data transmission, to ensure the highest limit of ease of use and compatibility.
3. 10/100 m adaptive Ethernet interface module integration, the serial communication baud rate up to 230.4 Kbps.
4. The system core is suitable for the security of the reliable and long-term running system application.
5. Size: 8.5x5x1.9cm
6. Working temperature: 25 ~ 75℃ (industrial-grade)
7. The built-in 360 m of MIPS CPU, 16 MB RAM and 4 m FLASH and wireless baseband and rf front end and a variety of peripheral bus.
8. Through CE and FCC certification, support the IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, support transparent protocol data transmission mode.
9. Most support WIFI encryption methods and algorithms, WEP/WAP wpa2-psk/WAP2 wpa2-psk/WAPI, WEP64 WEP128 / TKIP/AES encryption type.
10. AT + instruction set configuration, provides the friendly Web configuration page, through a Web configurationThe optional built-in onboard or external antenna.
11. Support wireless work in AP model and node (Station), the real hardware AP, support iphone and android systems all WIFI connection, support functions of AP and Station
online at the same time.
12. Optional TCP Server/TCP Client/UDP work mode, support network protocol: TCP/UDP/ARP, ICMP/HTTP/DNS/DHCP.
13. Support DHCP automatically obtain IP, support work in AP mode to assign IP from the device
14. Strong technical support, can provide customized demand.Can provide neutral version
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