Mạch Tạo Xung Sin EGS002 EG8010 + LCD

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Mạch Tạo Xung Sin EGS002 EG8010 + LCD,  Pure Sine Wave Inverter Generator SPWM Boost Driver Board EGS002 EG8010 + IR2110 Driver Module + LCD Module

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Mạch Tạo Xung Sin EGS002 EG8010 + LCD

Điện áp làm việc


Dãi Tần Số

0 -400hz

Tần Số


Quy Cách

Mạch Tạo Xung Sin EGS002 EG8010 + LCD

Kích thước              

35 x 22 x 12mm

DC-DC DC-AC Pure Sine Wave Inverter Generator SPWM Boost Driver Board EGS002 EG8010 + IR2110 Driver Module + LCD Module
Product Description
EG8010 is a digital, function very well bring their own dead-time control of pure sine wave inverter generator chip, used in two-stage DC-DC-AC power conversion structure or single-stage DC-AC power frequency transformer Boost architecture, an external 12MHz crystal oscillator, to achieve high precision, and harmonic distortion is very small, 50Hz or 60Hz pure sine wave inverter ASIC. The chip uses CMOS technology, the internal integration of SPWM sine generator, dead time control circuit, the multiplier factor range, soft start circuit, protection circuit, RS232 serial communication interface and a serial LCD driver module 1602 functions.
- 5V single power supply
- Pin set up four kinds of pure sine wave output frequency: fixed frequency 50 hz pure sine wave; 60 hz fixed frequency pure sine wave; 0-100 hz pure sine wave frequency is adjustable; 0-400 hz pure sine wave frequency is adjustable.
- Unipolar and bipolar modulation
- Comes with deadband control, pin set up 4 dead time: 300nS dead time; 500nS dead time ; 1.0uS dead time ; 1.5uS dead time
- External 12MHz crystal oscillator
- PWM carrier frequency 23.4KHz
- Voltage, current, real time temperature feedback
- Overvoltage, undervoltage, overcurrent and overheating protection
- Soft-start mode pin setting the response time of 1S
- Serial communication to set the output voltage, frequency and other parameters External
- External serial port 128 * 32 LCD module 1602 display the voltage, frequency, temperature and electric current of the inverter and other information;
- Single phase pure sine wave inverter
- PV Inverter
- Wind power inverter
- Uninterruptible Power Supply UPS System
- Digital generator system
- IF power
- Single-phase motor speed controller
- Single-phase inverter
- Sine wave dimmer
- Sine wave regulator
- Sine wave generator
LCD Description:
Notice: LCD does not contain cable
In the use of the LCD,Connection EGS002 driver board and LCD cable must use shielded cable, otherwise.Inverter, high-voltage high-current environment will seriously interfere with the operation of the drive plate

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Hoặc Quý khách có thể liên hệ trực tiếp tới số : 0932 762514 gặp hoặc 08-54051790

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