Mạch LED Ma Trận MAX7219 8*8 Xanh Lá

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Mạch LED Ma Trận MAX7219 8*8 Xanh Lá

MAX7219 dot matrix module control module MCU control drive LED module display 
Green color

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Mạch LED Ma Trận MAX7219 8*8 Xanh Lá

Điện Áp Hoạt Động


IC Driver


Giao Tiếp


Quy Cach

 4 LED Ma Trận 8x8

Kích Thước


MAX7219 dot matrix module control module MCU control drive LED module display 
The MAX7219 is an integrated serial input/output common-cathode display driver that connects a microprocessor to an 8-bit digital 7-segment LED display, or a bar graph display or 64 separate LEDs. its
It includes an on-chip B-type BCD encoder, multi-channel scan loop, segment word driver, and an 8*8 static RAM to store each data. Only one external register is used to set the segment current of each LED.
A convenient four-wire serial interface can be connected to a general purpose microprocessor. Each data can be addressed without any need to overwrite all displays when updating. The MAX7219 also allows the user to choose to encode or not encode each data.
The entire device includes a 150μA low-power shutdown mode, analog and digital brightness control, a scan limit register that allows the user to display 1-8 bits of data, and a detection mode that allows all LEDs to illuminate.
Only need 3 IO ports to drive 1 dot matrix! No flicker when the dot matrix is displayed! Support cascading!

Module parameters:
1. A single module can drive an 8*8 common cathode matrix
2. Module working voltage: 5V
3. Module size: length 3.2 cm X width 3.2 cm X height 1.3 cm
4. With 4 fixing screw holes, aperture 3mm
5. Module with input and output interface, supporting multiple module cascade

Wiring instructions:
1. The left side of the module is the input port and the right side is the output port.
2. When controlling a single module, you only need to connect the input port to the CPU.
3. When multiple modules are cascaded, the input of the first module is connected to the CPU, the output is connected to the input of the second module, the output of the second module is connected to the input of the third module, and so on. ..

Take 51 MCU as an example:
VCC  →  5V
DIN  →  P2.0
CS   →  P2.1
CLK  →  P2.2


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Hoặc Quý khách có thể liên hệ trực tiếp tới số : 0932 762514 gặp hoặc 08-54051790

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